International Coopération

International Cooperation

Academic Cooperation


LA FABRIQUE also offers potential international academic partners the opportunity to co-design new academic programs to respond to trends and needs. Our current International Academic Partners.

Research & Innovation Cooperation


Research & Innovation are the two main pillars of our pedagogical model. They allow La Fabrique to update its curricula, in order to prepare our students and trainees to the future challenges of our industries - i.e. sustainable development, digital and personnalized industralisation...

In this frame, we are open to international cooperation partnerships with other VET and/or companies, leading or experimenting innovative initiatives in garment & leather industries, about industrualization processes as well as the new critical expectations of their targets (inclusive and respectful strategies). We can also work on visual merchandising prospective projects, including the digital channel, to serve consumers desire to live unseen, ethic, seductive efficient shopping experiences. 

The FabLab: First Digital Workshop in a Fashion School!

The FabLab of LA FABRIQUE welcomes students, project leaders and makers. It supports them to the production of a prototype.

The FabLab

For more information ...

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Last modification on 19.07.2021